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Frequently Asked Questions

Do we need a rental car when staying at the Villa Decary?

What’s the climate like?

When is the best time to travel to Costa Rica?

What should I pack?

Do I need a visa to visit Costa Rica?


Do we need a rental car when staying at the Villa Decary?


To explore Costa Rica renting a car is recommended as activities and scenic attractions are spread out. Drivers must be at least 21, have a valid drivers license, a major credit card and a passport. A 4-wheel drive vehicle is recommended as many roads are not paved and road conditions vary through out Costa Rica. All major car rental companies offer 4-wheel drive vehicles.


If you prefer a vehicle with automatic transmission, be sure to specify this when making your reservation.


The roads around Lake Arenal have been paved and driving conditions are currently in good shape. However, as the area gets quite dark at night, we do recommend you arrive at the Villa Decary by 5 PM on your first night.


To make your driving experience easier you may wish to consider a GPS navigational system.


What’s the climate like?


We are located at 1800 feet and have a temperate climate which means warm days and cool nights as well as abundant rainfall throughout the year. Normally the temperature during the day averages in the 70s and 80s. The evenings cool down a bit but never below 60 degrees.


When is the best time to travel to Costa Rica?


Because there are so many micro-climates in Costa Rica, high and low seasons vary from region to region. Generally speaking, high Season is the dry season, from December through April. This is peak season and the busiest time to visit Costa Rica. Low season, or the rainy season, is also called Green Season, and is from May through November. In the Lake Arenal area, May and June are often the most beautiful months. Many visitors enjoy Green Season as there are fewer tourists and prices are also more affordable.


What should I pack?


Shorts, jeans, swim suits, hiking boots and/or walking shoes, a light rain jacket or poncho, hat, sun block and insect repellant, casual and comfortable clothes for dining and night life, binoculars, cash and credit cards. Also you may consider bringing an English/Spanish dictionary, your favorite Costa Rica tour guide, and don’t forget your camera!


Do I need a visa to visit Costa Rica?


If you are a U.S. citizen all you need is a U.S. passport with a validity of at least six months beyond your scheduled departure date from Costa Rica. No visa necessary. If you are a citizen of another country please consult with your professional travel agent or directly with the consulate of Costa Rica.


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